 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Things look a little bit diffent around here...

I have decided to change the name of my blog to The Cupcake Chronicles. I have an unhealthy obsession with everything cupcake. I have called Kaylee my cupcake since I found out I was pregnant and figured this to be more suiting. I also changed the decor to something more cupcake-ish.

Anyway moving on. Holy Milestones Batman!
All in one week, Kaylee has turned 5 months old, started holding her own bottle & will be sitting all on her own very soon. I have very mixed feelings about this. I want her to be my baby forever. She is growing up far to fast.
We have also started rice cereal. She wasn't sure about it at first.
Now I cant seem to feed her fast enough! She loves it. Applesauce is next!
I try to stay away from this subject since my blog readers (If there are many out there)probably couldn't possibly care less about my baby's bowel movement (when your a parent you learn to discuss poo like your talking about the weather but I digress) but can I just say, the smell of baby poo changes drastically once they start rice cereal. I know it is only going to get worse but wow it was a shocking surprise.

I love planning parties. As a matter of fact I would love to be a party planner. I must say I think I am pretty good at it. I have started to think about Kaylee's 1st birthday. (I know its kind of early but I cant wait to plan this one and look how fast the first 6 month of her life is flying by!) I have a few themes in mind. One is "Our pretty princess" another is " Under the Sea" and the other is " Wild Jungle". Please feel free to vote and leave other suggestions in a comment. I cant wait!


  1. What a cutie she is! I can't believe my baby is already one. It seems like I didn't have babies for long, both of mine seemed to want to do too much to fast. They wanted to grow up way faster than I wanted them too!

  2. she's just adorable!

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