 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

what a diffrence a year makes....

2009 is over & I must say I am sad to see it go.
In February, I accidentally discovered I was going to have Kaylee. How does one accidentally discover she is pregnant you may ask. I went to the doctor regarding what we thought were complications due to my second miscarriage and they decided to do an ultrasound. There she was. I was shocked, scared, surprised and excited all at the same time. The thought of another miscarriage scared me to death.
The first trimester was hard. I was so sick & exhausted. I couldn't eat or smell anything. That was by far the worst part of my pregnancy.
Then I was told I would have to see a specialist once a week & my Kidney doctor once a month in the second trimester. My year became a sea of appointments that even I had a hard time keeping straight. Between the Ob, pregnancy specialist & my nephrologist I felt like I was always in one waiting room or another. The cool thing about the pregnancy specialist is I got an ultrasound every week. I got to see her development every week. (I think I may just try to look at it as the positive side to the out of pocket expense we had for this doctor thanks to my craptastic health insurance plan.) In June we closed on our new house. (Oh Yeah just so you know if you want to buy a foreclosure.... buckle up cause it will be a long bumpy dragged out ride in a sea of papers.)Chris went in a gutted the whole thing. I felt horrible I couldn't do much to help as my belly was getting bigger and bigger I even when I tried to paint I would get dizzy going up and down on the ladder. The good thing about the 2nd trimester was the only times I got sick anymore was when I got hungry or at the sight/smell/taste of hot dogs or bananas. The best part, finding out Kaylee was a girl. I was thrilled to just still be pregnant at that point & would have been thrilled either way but when they said it looked like a girl, I just saw a big sea of dresses and bows for her hair.
On August 22nd we had a baby shower. My mom, Kathy, Kacy, Marcella and my sister did a great job! It was beautiful and the theme was "Our Cupcake, Kaylee" cause I called the baby cupcake since I knew I was pregnant. There were tons of fake cupcakes, (Kacy mom made them and they looked so real we had to tell people not to try and eat them).
Exactly a month later (to the day), Kaylee arrived. Chris finished the new house and we moved,with a new born baby, to the house we now call home & we love it there. I am not sure if its Kaylee or what but this house feels like home to me.
So for a year that started with such a negative vibe with my miscarriage right before Christmas 08, It sure did end on a very positive note. Cant wait to see what 2010 has in store!

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