 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Kaylee is here!

Well since I am starting this blog a little later than I wanted to I guess I should start with the story of her birth.
Because of my kidney issues and past history with miscarriage, It was a high risk pregnancy. The chances of developing Pre-eclampsia (pre-e) when you have an underlying kidney issue is a big one.
The Friday before she was born, I was at work and had a really bad headache and swelling. I called my perinatologist (pregnancy specialist) who stated I should go to OB right away. I got there and they took my blood pressure. It was 160/90. I was admitted to the OB unit & told they were going to call my Doctor to come. She was out of town so the on call Dr would be coming to see me. She came in and said she was hesitant to induce since I was only 35 weeks 4 days. She sent me home on bed rest till I could get in to see my regular OB on Monday.
On Monday Chris & I went to my 4:30 appointment thinking they were going to send me home on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy. Not my idea of fun since that whole weekend all I did was think of everything that had to be done around the house and I was not look forward to having to start my leave at work without spending that time with my daughter.
We got to the exam room and the nurse took my blood pressure. She took the stethoscope off and said " Its still high. Looks like we are having a baby today!" Then she walked out and left Chris and I starring at each other. Dr combs came in and took my blood pressure again. She explained that they were going to induce my since I was showing signs of early Pre-E. Before I knew it, we were headed to the OB wing at Los Alamos Medical center. Chris called our parents while I was getting connected to monitors.
At about 5:00 they brought me the pill. This pill was going to start it all. I remember thinking as I swallowed it.. No turning back now. This is it. Then my mom got there and we started the waiting game that is labor.
I was able to sleep through that night pretty comfortably. Cant say the same for my mom and Chris. Poor things slept in chairs all night long.
the next morning they started Pitocine. This really got things moving and brought on the contractions. At first I thought "this isn't so bad. I can handle this." Haha.. about two hours later, I didn't feel that way at all! After they broke my water it was PAINFUL! The only thing that helped was focusing on Chris' eyes during the contractions. After they told me I was 4 cm, the contractions were coming a minute and a half apart and I was ready for my epidural.
The nurse, Delane(who was awesome)came in and said the pitocin was up too high. They turned it down and called for the anesthesiologist. She came in to talk to me and informed me that my blood pressure was still dangerously high and based on that and the kidney issue she wasn't sure she could give me the epi. That was the only time during labor I felt like I couldn't do it. I almost started to cry and she must have sensed it cause she said "lets run some lab and see how those come back. Then we will decide."
It was a painful 45 minute wait for the guy from the lab to come do the blood draw. The whole time we were waiting I was thinking by the time he got there, it was going to be too late and I was going to be forced into natural childbirth. (which I have a new found respect for women who have done this!) Thankfully, it was James (they guy who had done all my lab through out the pregnancy and we had become friends) who came up from the lab. My mom expressed our concern to him and he said he was going to do everything he could to get them as fast as possible.
About 20 minutes later, I was getting my epidural. I thought I would feel something, a poke, pressure, pain, but once I was numb,I felt nothing. I was able to get some sleep after the epi kicked in and Chris told me after that the contractions I felt were nothing compared to the ones registering on the monitor after the epi. I felt nothing. I woke up and was told I was about to have my baby. Then it all became a blur. I was told my blood pressure was extremely high and I had to lay on my side cause they didn't want me to have a seizure. I couldn't move. Everything was hazy and I felt like I was checking out of the whole thing. The nurse said "You have to roll onto your side, for the baby." that was all she had to say and I put my arm out and Chris helped me roll onto my side. I heard the nurse say "we need oxygen" next thing I knew I had an oxygen mask on and I was back. It was instant. Dr Combs said it was time and after pushing for what felt like 20 minutes, at 3:47, september 22, 2009, Kaylee Deandra was born. She weighed 5lbs 4 oz.

She was crying but it wasn't a normal cry. She was put on my chest for about thirty seconds & I heard the pediatrician say "she isn't breathing right." He turned around and cut her cord and then everyone was gone. I couldn't move my legs from the epidural but Chris came in and said she had to be on oxygen since she was considered a premature baby. She had to stay in the hospital for a week.
Fast forward almost three months and you would never know this cupcake was a preemie. She is so cute and funny and I cant remember my life without her. She is starting to laugh out loud and every time she does it it just melts my heart. Once I think I cant love her anymore.. she gives me a cute little look and my love grows even more. I am going to use this blog to share my feelings, thoughts and milestones. I think it will be a great thing to show her when she is older. I cant wait to share our life with her! This adventure has just begun!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's really cool that you're doing this! Can't wait to hear more about your adventures!
